#BTC The view remains unchanged. In the mid-term, the captain believes that it will touch the annual top, which is probably in the range of 35,000 to 48,000 US dollars, and then slowly decline after getting more liquidity. After the short-term short-term temptation ends, it will rise to $25,000. The overall trend is upward, and any pullback is an opportunity to enter the spot market on the left.

The liquidation map has changed somewhat from yesterday. 22950 is no longer a relatively strong resistance wall for bulls. The limit retracement is near 21500, which is also an opportunity to receive spot goods with a good profit-loss ratio. The more shorts gather, the higher the contract positions. Especially when the convergence triangle contract positions increase, as long as there is a slight inflow of funds in the spot, a large number of shorts will be forced to stop losses and close their positions.