Looking back at BTC's data, weekends are still weekends, liquidity remains very low, and turnover rate is still very low. Short-term investors are the only ones trading, while early investors have been inactive over the weekend. From the detailed data, the current turnover rate has dropped to bear market levels. This happened many times before the elections, but has been rare afterwards. This indicates that there are almost no real investors planning to buy or sell during the current holiday.

What does this tell us? In fact, we have mentioned this issue multiple times before the elections, representing that investors are more optimistic about future price trends. The current price is not attractive to real investors; there is no interest in buying or selling, and often in such situations, a large amount of #BTC leaves the exchanges. The current situation is no different.

There’s not much to say about support; the turnover rate itself is very low, so it naturally won’t impact support. Starting next Monday, liquidity will gradually recover, and then we’ll see if support needs to change in a week.