Laid-off micro-business re-employed, medical beauty girl deceived her elder brother to find an old man in the outside world

There are more and more girls, and fewer and fewer older brothers. The reverse pig-killing plate has emerged as the times require. It only costs a few thousand yuan to rent a car with a driver for a day. In addition, there are so many tax-avoidance yachts parked in Shenzhen Bay. It is difficult to rent a car for a day. Not expensive either.

In order to cultivate trust and make these girls become his human mules, sometimes these men will let them pay some bills. Once the character development process is completed, they can trick these girls into using their innocent identities to go to Hong Kong. Open an account, and then add 200 times leverage to buy some advance tickets for her.

The rhetoric is of course, oh, it’s not convenient for me to give you money directly, but I am willing to train you to start a new career. Old Leek knows that there is a word called "carrying a sedan chair", and he won't care whether these girls report that their positions are liquidated or not.

Finally, these girls may not even dare to report the crime to the police, for fear that they will become gang members or accessories to other crimes.