Every thousand years, Haotian will reset the human world. In fact, every situation and form that humanity can imagine exists, just not necessarily on Earth. Therefore, all fantasy or mythological stories are all true. They just may not exist on Earth! Everything you can imagine has already been directed by the gods.
When you thoroughly understand the mysteries of Earth, you understand the primordial state of the universe! Why do you find dust floating in the air where the sunlight shines? If you compare this floating dust to the form of the entire universe? Each grain of dust represents each galaxy! Does your logical thinking change? 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 Do you find it incredible? Because you are just a bunch of maggots!
🤭🤭🤭 When the old economy becomes uncontrollable or no longer special, a new economy will naturally emerge. Whether it's gold, paper currency, or today's Bitcoin, they are all fleeting. Many years later, there will definitely be new things to replace Bitcoin, just like Bitcoin is about to replace all traditional economies! 🤭🤭🤭 As the saying goes, one flower represents the world, one leaf represents Bodhi! So your existence in this world! Belongs to Bitcoin!
Realm◆Mysteries of the Universe◆Stars Build Dreams◆God◆Origin◆God◆Boundless