$SUI Here's how you can estimate the potential price for the next 1–2 months during a bull run:
1. Calculate Monthly Growth Rate:
Use historical data:
30 days: +17.63%
90 days: +148.19% (averages to ~49.4% per month).
180 days: +404.08% (averages to ~67.35% per month).
Average the monthly growth rate:
Average Growth= {17.63 + 49.4 + 67.35}÷3 = approx 44.13%
2. Project Price:
1 Month:
Price1 = Current Price times (1 + 0.4413)
Price2 = Price1 times (1 + 0.4413)
Using the current price of $4.075, the projected prices are:
1 Month:
4.075 \times 1.4413 \approx 5.87
5.87 \times 1.4413 \approx 8.46
1 Month: ~$5.87
2 Months: ~$8.46