There is no way to avoid fees. However, it is possible to negotiate at much lower brokerage fees. There is also the smart method of converting Fiat only at the right time, the time that is most convenient for you.
Let's give an example that I just saw here.
Buy Bitcoin with Real.
“One day you have R$1000 and decide to buy some Bitcoins, make a trade and withdraw the results.” Ok? That’s the example.
Convert Fiat BRL to BNB when BNB is low.
Trade Bitcoin with BNB pair.
To withdraw, revert only when BNB is on the rise.
In other words, you worked the entire time protecting yourself.
It is worth noting that this requires a bit of work and effort, and not everyone is willing to wait. Therefore, you can trade bitcoin directly from Fiat BRL. However, you must respect the premise of buying low and selling high. The chances of profit are smaller, but faster. Therefore, there will be no conversions outside the BTC/BRL pair.
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* This technique is not for getting rich, nor for holding companies. It is for traders who need to act to minimize fees at certain times.
However, in the current scenario, it would be appropriate to do this in several situations to protect yourself. If you are a holding company, you should do this for the last six months and now you would see that you have protected yourself from USD/BRL changes. Consider doing this if you like BNB.
If you bought BNB when the market was bleeding, hold on. It will be very useful to buy bitcoins when it is at 90,000, but only revert to BRL if BNB reaches a high. This is a multi-strategy.
However, if you are going to leave capital in funds, in your portfolio, I recommend buying dollars. This in itself protects your capital, as the Real will only depreciate against the dollar.
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Mario Trindade.