#brasil Makes the "L" Picanha, known as a popular cut of beef, has become a luxury item for many Brazilians due to its scarcity and rising prices. This is due to high demand, shortage of production, and rising production costs. In addition, picanha is one of Brazil's main export products, which may contribute to its scarcity in the domestic market. As a result, picanha has become a luxury item, accessible only to those who can pay a premium price for it.
The price of picanha varies according to the region, quality, and weight. Here are some pricing options:
Picanha Options
- Picanha "A" Nacional: R$ 98.25 ¹
- Picanha Linha Mais (1.1kg to 1.5kg): R$ 69.90/kg ² ³
- Picanha Combo (0.7kg to 2.5kg): R$ 57.90/kg ² ³
- Baby Picanha Swift (0.8kg to 1.3kg): R$ 99.90/kg ² ³
- Picanha Black Angus Ana Paula (1kg to 1.5kg): R$ 139.90/kg ² ³
- Picanha Swift Black (0.9kg to 1.6kg): R$ 199.98/kg ² ³
To get updated prices and check availability, I recommend checking the websites of the stores mentioned or contacting them directly.