December 22, 2024

The market has indeed reversed into a correction, and the rebound from overselling ended a bit quickly. Yesterday I reminded that apart from those buying the dip, it’s possible to continue reducing positions. I wonder if everyone executed that; on the contrary, I haven’t had the chance to reduce my positions, and then the market turned downward. However, the sharp drop the day before yesterday is basically a phase bottom, and even if there’s a correction ahead, the likelihood of breaking lower is not high.

Generally speaking, such a panic-driven sharp decline has a significant destructive impact on market sentiment and investment confidence, so it’s reasonable to expect a period of repair and adjustment. But I also mentioned that the low point from the day before yesterday is essentially a phase low, and it is likely to oscillate and test support strength multiple times; the probability of breaking lower is low, so it’s possible to place orders near the low.

Overall, there’s no need to panic now; the bull market is definitely still on, especially since the interest rate cut cycle has started, and Trump hasn’t even taken office yet. This wave of sharp decline is partly because of excessive previous gains and can also be understood as the end of the FOMO sentiment surrounding Trump’s presidency. Next, we’ll look at specific policies and changes in capital flow. This wave of decline is what many people have expected; since it’s happened, there’s no need to panic.

As for the market, the next trend is likely to be oscillating, and it will probably test the lows, such as ETH at $3100, BTC at $90,000, and others are similar. The highs should refer to the rebound highs from yesterday and the starting points of the declines; check specific cryptocurrencies with candlestick charts. In reality, it’s a suitable time to rest; if you want to operate, mainly consider doing some swing trading.

Thank you for your attention and likes.