I will talk about the following things in the first person. I knew about Bitcoin in 2018, and then I learned about blockchain intermittently. Although I am optimistic about it, I have never dared to play it because of all the negative news in the currency circle. It lasted until last year, when I finally decided to make a move. The reason was that I heard that my friend's sister-in-law entered the market with 30,000 yuan and earned a house in just two months. Like other friends who entered the currency circle, I dreamed of getting rich overnight and looked forward to showing my skills here. For a newcomer, the first door is fear. I can't bear to sleep 24 hours a day. What should I do if I don't sleep? Watching the market and studying the news made me physically and mentally exhausted, and my mentality was a little unbalanced. At that time, it was common to chase the rise and kill the fall, buy high and sell low. I never dared to keep the coins I bought overnight, for fear that they would fall like a dog after one night.

But fortunately, I met a group of comrades-in-arms. I remember that period of time, similar phenomena occurred in every communication group I joined. People in the group kept sharing the coins they had ambushed that increased tenfold or a hundredfold. Group members began to draw their own sects. Some were into fundamentals, some were into trends, and some were into technology. Everyone began to mock and refute each other, and no one was willing to admit defeat, as if the key to deciding victory or defeat was not to make money, but just to prove that I was right.

In that circle, no matter what you do in real life, you can jump out and talk about blockchain as a big shot in the currency circle. With the help of these brothers, I finally jumped out of the vicious circle of chasing ups and downs, and I was no longer afraid. Then suddenly one day, a copycat coin that I heavily invested in doubled nearly 20 times, and I was stunned that the money was enough for me to buy a house. From then on, I became famous in one battle, and I also became a member of the group. Big shot, some people envy and some people chase after, some people shout that the big shot will lead me, and I am not vague, I started to pretend to do technical analysis and share value coins. The funny thing is that in this process, no one asked me how I ambushed him. In fact, I couldn’t answer it if I asked, because I just got excited, thinking that if I won, the villa would be by the sea, and if I lost, it would be the rooftop. To put it bluntly, this money was earned by me in a muddle. The muddle-headed money I earned has paralyzed my brain since then. I once thought that I was a person holding cutlery, but I didn’t expect to become the prey on someone else’s plate.

Last night, the cryptocurrency market experienced an avalanche-like decline. The market was in a panic, and my profits were also lost by more than half. I watched Bitcoin fall below 40,000 or even below 30,000. I turned on my computer and saw all the dazzling red columns. Everyone in the group panicked. As a veteran, I didn't panic. I laughed at them and thought it was an opportunity, so the gambler's mentality began to surge in my mind. I gradually concentrated other assets in City B to an exchange to leverage Bitcoin. The amplification of leverage made my pressure and panic continue to rise. Because I had no experience and could not see the overall trend, I lost all my chips in various reverse operations during short-term fluctuations. I was like a gambler who was on a lucky streak, putting all my hopes on the last bet. Short Bitcoin and hinted to myself to look at it again a day later.

The story that followed was that after a series of sharp declines, Bitcoin rebounded slightly, but this was enough to bring my short position close to liquidation. I was extremely regretful and wanted to kill myself. Even if I could have held on to this short position for another night, this would not have happened. I took the initiative to close my position and no longer paid attention to the competition between long and short positions.

At this time, I remembered the saying that if something is not yours, it will never belong to you. All the money earned by luck will eventually be lost by strength.