11.16 Morning Analysis

The current currency price is still fluctuating at a high level and rising, and the bullish momentum continues unabated. It can be said that it is rising against the pressure of the upper track. The market is increasing in volume and may rise to around 38050 in the short term. After rising higher, you need to pay attention to whether 37500 has effectively fallen below. This is the key point of the short-term structure. If this point is supported, you can perform multiple orders!

Judging from the current market situation, whether it is the daily level, the four-hour level, or the hourly level, the price of the big pie currency has reached the top of the upper track. In the short term, there may be a wave of retracement. The current overtrend has reversed, so don’t go short easily. The main idea for subsequent operations is to stay low.

Thursday Xingtong’s personal operation suggestions:

Big pie: Near 37550, the target is around 37900-38050.

Two Pies: Near 2050, just look at the target near 2080.

The above ideas are only Xingtong's personal operating logic and are not used as anyone's investment basis. They are for reference only. The market conditions are changing rapidly, and the specific operations are mainly based on Shipan. Data is time-sensitive. #BTC #EHT