Xingtong 7.29 Monday afternoon Bitcoin view!

We always hope that life will be smooth sailing, but life always has ups and downs. Those highlight moments bring us surprises and touches, and those setbacks and ups and downs also bring us experience and lessons. People are stumbling and stumbling along the way. No more experience and growth.

Good afternoon friends in the currency circle, this is Xia Xingtong who leads Shipan Fancang. Even though I was given a lot of food in the morning, I still had to pay for hundreds of snacks! Sweeping the Duo Duo Kong Kong back and forth, each pill point is small, but in total, more than 1,600 points of space have been gained! It’s quite good for the new week, just rely on stepping on Duo in the afternoon.

In terms of trend, after the Bitcoin Conference, it stepped back and tested the first line position as low as 66624, and then rebounded. The overall trend formed an upward structural trend. The lows were continuously pushed higher, and the highs were suppressed and were broken again. Come to the morning of the day Strong pull, suppressed to a position near 70,000. Under the strong pull in the morning, I just want to ask the Air Force if they are okay! Judging from the current trend, the K-line is showing a concussive upward trend, bullish sentiment is high, and there was a strong pull in the morning, so in terms of operation, we can first pay attention to a wave of retracement to test the low support, and then continue to look at it.

Xingtong’s Monday afternoon operation suggestions:

BTC: 69000-69500, looking towards 71000.

Those who have lost short-term positions recently and are trapped in orders can consult Xingtong to answer their questions $BTC $ETH $SOL