1. Investing profits in riskier projects equals no profit. This amounts to gambling; the best way is to invest profits in BTC/ETH/stablecoins/fiat currencies

(If you don’t have good luck all the time, you’ll lose everything if you make one mistake)

2. Projects with cult culture may make you rich. The premise is to leave before the collapse

(Anyone with cx mode is a good thing, it depends on your gear)

3. It is foolish to lock up a certain token and come and go to get extra profits. It's the equivalent of putting yourself in a sinking ship

(Don’t believe in any locked-up projects. Rich projects will not be short of money unless the bull market soars)

4. Your attention and energy are valuable assets. Don't waste time on boring events

(Learn more, even if it is to develop contacts, the so-called licking a dog is better than beating a ****)

5. Be cautious about participating in projects that over-exaggerate the profitability of their projects. There is no free lunch in the world; staking - obtaining income - continuous compound interest, seemingly seamless, but every additional income will bring additional risks

(Cui Yue’s cattle often die the fastest)

6. Be skeptical of any source of information. Everyone must have the ability to think independently and figure out why they are distributing these messages? What's the purpose?

(Be wary but don’t push away)

7. When new narratives emerge, favor market leaders. They have first-mover advantage and market share

(The first thing to buy is that no one remembers the second)

8. Using too many tools can weigh you down. You don’t need to use more than 50 tools to help you invest and research, it is enough to use Etherscan, Debank, DeFiLlama, etc.

(Choose what suits you and have the ability to write it yourself)

9. The food chain in the currency circle: builder > VC/insiders > whales > robots > manual traders who receive the message in advance (less than 1 minute) > manual traders who receive the message last (more than 1 minute). By the time information about the project has been flying all over the media, it is already too late to get involved.

(Refer to 12 interpretation)

10. Gaining Alpha comes down to two things: getting inside information or doing something no one else is too lazy to do. People underestimate the importance of just by following the protocol’s media articles and its discord

(Technical and human resources)

11. History will always repeat itself, it’s just repackaging without changing the ingredients.

(Old wine, new clothes, experience is essential)

12. Position yourself as early as possible and let money come to you. Anytime you feel FOMO it's a sign that it's probably too late to get in.

(Look at your resource fomo and the capabilities of your people)

13. Measuring your gains and losses in percentages will help you stay rational

(profit and loss ratio)

14. Be sure to cut your losses. Set a stop loss before investing, don’t lose big because of sunk costs.

(Be sure to cut off the flesh without any thought of getting back the money)

15. Develop a journaling habit. Write down the information you see in the currency circle every day, your transactions, the mistakes you make, etc. This will improve your mental algorithms

(Remember to review what you have done every day)

16. Don’t overestimate the role of bull markets in fundamentals. In a bull market, all logic is useless. People tend to buy through hype, FOMO, etc. See the nature of the industry clearly, not what you think it is.

(In the bull market, pigs can fly)

17. The right incentives can drive prices. People buy in large quantities when they have expectations of future profits. You can obtain additional income, ecosystem incentives, etc. through airdrops and lock-ups.

(Things about Gouzhuang and dev)

18. Don’t worship anyone. Even the smartest people like Alameda and Three Arrows Capital make mistakes. No matter who you are, you will make mistakes, just believe in yourself

(Stick to your heart and don’t be a brainless leek)

19. There is no right or wrong way to invest. No one will achieve a 100% winning rate. The most important thing in investing is to maximize profits and minimize losses.

(Calculate the profit and loss ratio yourself)

20. Focusing on one track is an advantage. No one can know everything. Choose one or a few fields and be the best in that field.

(Trial and error with small amounts, don’t be jealous)

21. Keeping up with macro is overrated. Just monitor the capital flowing into the market and see when we get back. Your time is much better spent elsewhere.

(Monitor project token dynamics)

22. Do not invest when you are emotionally upset, drunk, or sleep deprived. One mistake can ruin years of hard work

(One mistake and the whole game is lost)

23. Stablecoins are not as stable as you think. UST failed and USDC also experienced decoupling panic. Convert part of the funds into legal currency and deposit them in the bank

(Know how to reasonably match assets)

24. If you want to maximize investment returns, invest concentratedly.

(Don’t be a stud dog)

25. Establish your own investment system and strictly implement it. A systematic investment framework can effectively prevent you from investing emotionally

(Projects until diversified investment)

26. It is unrealistic to multiply your capital 100 times through trading. It’s not 2016 anymore, the best way is to increase your cash flow, plan your goals and strictly implement them

(Unless you have high technology or find a bug)

27. Everyone loves new projects and new narratives. Fry the new, not the old.

(The currency circle must be willing to accept new things)

28. Don’t limit your learning to cryptography. Learning game theory, behavioral economics and psychology will be of great help to your future

(You need to know what Gouzhuang wants to do)

29. A good project must have both basic elements and upside elements. Uptrends attract attention, while fundamentals give people reasons to hold on.

(Always pay attention to project dynamics)

30. Unknown is fatal in the currency circle. The founder gambled with the treasury, and the anonymous founder has a shameful past, which may be fatal and unknown.

(Ignorance is not fearless. Simply understand that the money you make by luck will definitely be lost by ignorance.)

(I don’t know which master is responsible for the transfer, please note your own interpretation. If you see the original, please message me privately)