I only made a few trades, going from ten thousand to over thirty thousand!! Why do you always suffer losses in trading cryptocurrency? Have you ever deeply considered this question?

Many people, while trading cryptocurrency, are not as worried about the losses themselves as they are about the magnitude of the loss. When faced with losses, they often long to slowly recover their capital, but this mindset narrows their perspective. They are satisfied with small profits, and as soon as they see any gain, they rush to take profits, fearing further losses. However, this approach often leads them not only to fail to recover their capital but also to incur even greater losses, missing out on larger opportunities.

We must ask ourselves, if we only focus on making small profits and conforming to the market, can we achieve what we have today? Many people enter the cryptocurrency space with misunderstandings; their initial thoughts may have been correct, but once they encounter losses, their mindset becomes fixated on recovering their capital and earning small profits. This mentality is the root cause of losses. $BTC $ETH #比特币行情