Recently, an unidentified disease, referred to as 'Disease X', has emerged in the Democratic Republic of Congo, causing global concern. As of early December 2024, the outbreak has affected hundreds of people and resulted in at least 79 deaths since the end of October. Among the 376 reported cases, nearly 200 cases involve children under 5 years old. Symptoms of 'Disease X' include fever, headache, cough, and difficulty breathing, similar to flu.
Congo's health officials are working to determine the cause of the illness. Samples from patients are being analyzed at the national laboratory in Kinshasa, with results expected within the next 48 hours. The World Health Organization (WHO) has sent experts, essential medicines, and diagnostic kits to Kwango province to assist local authorities in understanding the transmission potential of 'Disease X'. So far, this disease has been reported in 7 out of 30 health zones in the province.
In light of this situation, many countries and territories in Asia such as Japan, Thailand, and Hong Kong have issued warnings about 'Disease X' and increased monitoring of travelers coming from Congo. The Thai Ministry of Public Health has sent alerts to all its offices about the outbreak of 'Disease X' in Congo, requesting close monitoring of people's movements and updating information about this disease, although Thailand is considered a low-risk country.
Currently, 'Disease X' is still under investigation to determine the cause and mode of transmission. People need to stay informed from reliable sources and follow the guidance of health authorities to protect their health and the community.