Currently, there are about 19.1 million Bitcoins (BTC) in the market⁽¹⁾. The maximum number of Bitcoins that can be created is 21 million, which means that there are about 1.9 million Bitcoins still available for mining⁽¹⁾.

How are Bitcoins created?

Bitcoins are created through a process known as mining⁽²⁾. This is done by solving complex mathematical puzzles using computing power, which is called verification of work⁽²⁾. When a savior solves these puzzles, the public ledger of the blockchain is updated and a new molecule of Bitcoins is determined as a reward for the savior⁽²⁾.

Who increases the number of Bitcoins?

The main process that increases the number of Bitcoins is mining⁽²⁾. This is done by saviors who use computers to solve puzzles and add blocks to the public ledger of bitcoins⁽²⁾.