Here's the reasoning in summary, read this at least once.
The Federal Revenue, the State, the system, whatever you want to consider, are people that form a legal entity, basically.
There is no group coexistence without rules, rights and obligations, therefore, there is no life without the State, our most modern form of social organization.
Taxes are demonized by people, and there is a reason for this, it is indisputable, after all we pay high taxes (they are not the highest in the world, but they are high) and we do not get an adequate return, and this is another problem.
Due to lack of understanding and a lot of misinformation, people blame the "State"! Understandable, but wrong.
What happens is that there is no fair progressive taxation, that is, the tax, which is inevitable in any type of modern human organization, is paid mostly by the lower and middle classes, the millionaire and the billionaire avoid paying taxes in various ways, through benefits (banker's allowance), tax exemptions, manipulation in congress, etc.
If the powerful and millionaire churches exempt themselves from taxes, someone will pay for them, us.
If the rich man doesn't pay IPVA on his helicopter and yacht, the guy who has a Celta will pay.
If the rich receive million-dollar exemptions, supposedly to "encourage" them to "invest", someone will pay for them, us!
I think it's extremely unfair that I pay 15% income tax on an income of 10,000. I think it's rotten, but it's not the State's fault, it's the fault of the rich, who dominate the State with their economic power.
They live isolated in their worlds of luxury, with security, education and private healthcare, they do not suffer the routine difficulties of violence that we suffer, and, through the power of their money, they obtain more wealth through exemptions, benefits, easy money and scams. Most of the rich are corrupt (perhaps that is what attracts them to wealth).
We pay the bill. It's basic math. It's not the State's fault, it's the population's fault that votes for the rich man's candidate, representing them in their role as State.
The rich is the system
The rich is the State
Concentration of wealth is the problem
I hope I have clarified the matter in a minimally reasonable way.