Loser: Master, I graduated from Tsinghua, but I'm feeling very lost right now. Please show me a way out.

A Dou: Web3 digital economy

Loser: How do I do it?

A Dou: Issue tokens, in the future, many companies will issue tokens, everyone will issue tokens, but for now, it's best to combine with the real economy, it's a bit difficult to just issue tokens.

Loser: I can't issue them, and I'm afraid to.

A Dou: Buy tokens, hold tokens, BTC, ETH, DOGE…

Loser: I have no money, I'm poor.

A Dou: Sell your house, that's how CZ Zhao Changpeng did it back in the day, and he became the richest Chinese person.

Loser: I have no house, I sleep under a bridge.

A Dou: Take out a loan, people who made money by holding houses used to do this, no one starts off with money.

Loser: My credit is bad.

A Dou: Then just start delivering food first. 😁