The global total market value of gold is about 19 trillion US dollars. The US official position is 813.3 billion US dollars of gold. The US official position of Bitcoin is 19.3 billion US dollars, about 214,000 bitcoins. The following is the US institutional position of Bitcoin is 98.6 billion US dollars, about 1.09 million bitcoins. The market value of Bitcoin is expected to be 3 trillion US dollars as the base point. Bitcoin is currently only 1.8 trillion US dollars in total market value. Global capital is constantly sucking Bitcoin, and Trump's upper limit for Bitcoin is too high. Trump's expectation is to use Bitcoin as a strategic currency. It is still in the early stage. The current increase has not yet experienced a decline, and it cannot be effectively and long-term stable. Bitcoin should fluctuate for a long time at 80,000-70,000, so that the price of Bitcoin is not watered. So that institutions can absorb low-priced chips. At present, Trump has not really come to power. Shorting above 91,000 in the short term can be carried out step by step. Reduce positions first when profits are made. What I mean is that the current price may fluctuate by 50,000 points when it rises to 100,000. This space is completely enough for operation. In the long run, Bitcoin can rise as long as the US stock index with a bottom of 60,000 to 70,000. The middle area of ​​100,000 to 120,000 US dollars is the long-term maintenance point. Only when the US government cashes out some gold and buys some Bitcoin, the real big wave will come. This is the real official endorsement. Real money and silver are bought. The US government supports Bitcoin. Only then will it have a real effect.

$BTC #交易所BTC储备量创2018年以来新低