1. Don’t change currencies frequently. Things will change over time, and sooner or later it will be your turn!

2. When all kinds of people are discussing a certain currency, it is best not to touch it, because it means that the currency is about to reach its peak! In a bull market, it is likely to rise back, but in a bear market, 90% of the currencies may never rise back in their lifetime!

3. Don’t believe anyone who says a certain coin can increase 100 times or 1,000 times. Such people are either fools or scammers! If you ask him how many times you can get this coin, unless you really have it, you must forget about it. But can you do that? If it increases by 20% in one day, you will probably run away!

4. Don’t touch contracts in a bull market, as you will most likely not survive the bull market!

5. When others are doing FOMO, you should stay sober and consider the profit and loss ratio yourself. If the risk is greater than the benefit, do not buy it. Only by protecting your principal can you have a chance to overtake others!

6. Especially for contracts, don’t believe in indicators. Bull and bear market indicators will frequently fail. Those so-called winning rate indicators are just what the banker deliberately does for you to see. Once the banker stops playing, you will be not far from a margin call!

7. Firmly believe that the coins you bought, as long as they survive the bear market, will rise in the bull market. What is a bull market? All coins will soar!

8. If the capital exceeds 100,000, don’t touch the contract, and steadily accumulate mainstream coins and leading coins. Ten times is no problem! If the capital is less than 100,000, just do the copycat. The copycat bulls in the middle and the end of the bulls will double or triple every day!

9. Go with the flow and have firm faith. The cryptocurrency market works like this. Your coin may drop by 50% in one or two months, but you can make it back in just one day. The cryptocurrency market is falling and fluctuating 90% of the time, and only rising 10% of the time!

10. Making money in a bull market is not called making money. Only when you can successfully escape the top at the end of the bull market, it will be yours in the end. Once the bull market ends, your assets may shrink by half in one day. In a bear market, your assets may shrink by 90% or even zero in one year. This is the most terrifying thing! Why only 10% of people make money at the end of the bull market is caused by greed, because at that time they are still fantasizing that the bull market will continue!

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