everyone seem to be jumping up and down after these 2 events election + FED ? any one multimilionnaire with this cryptpo moveđ
I don't think so. so what's the fuss then ? just a wait & see
next are NFP
then back to regular life ponctuated by economy news WW, géopolitics and global news
you need to read beetween the lines of fed: powell comments: we are proud of our job still inflationnary pressures.. really mr Powell ! tss tss how surprising.
could mean easy on rate cuts or pause
2025 huge debt growing bigger with donald,oops, but no pb that will be solved with cryptos. ha ha, we know, you said that before. a meme thought by your friend MUSK to clear 140%/pib debt, that's a lot of coins, draining liquidity using poor people'money to cut taxes for Musk& the richests & firms. wonderfull !
all that after selling US cryto reserves
smile all, I do too, for other reasons, we wait for the fun.
enjoy for the time being if it lasts