Jack Ma once said: "When selling to close friends and family, no matter how much you sell to them, they always feel like you are making money off them. No matter how cheap you sell, they still do not appreciate it."

There will always be people who do not care about your cost, time, or effort. They would rather let others deceive them, allow others to make money, than support someone they know. Because in their hearts, they always think: "How much is he making from me?" instead of "How much has he saved/helped me?"

This is a classic example of a poor mindset!

Jack Ma on sales: "When in sales, the first people to trust you will be strangers. Friends will be cautious of you, casual acquaintances will keep their distance. Family will look down on you."

On the day you truly succeed, paying for all gatherings, meals, entertainment, you will realize: Everyone is present, except for strangers.

Most are like that, while a lucky few will be supported by family and friends. 👍🏻