The so-called human civilization started with the invention of writing, using written symbols to record events permanently, keep accounts, and abide by written contracts. The so-called knotted ropes were actually first used for accounting. How much food did you give me, how many sheep did I give you, how many pigs did you give me, and what piece of land did I give you... Then, it was used to record experiences and stories, express emotions, literature and poetry, and thus the culture flourished. Words were used to create visions and the future, form consensus, and move forward together. Blockchain and Bitcoin are actually digitalization, globalization, and a method of mutual confirmation of digital accounting among 7 billion people. Now it is gradually being expanded to full applications, accounting, recording, tracing, and irreversibility. Digital records replace paper records$BTC $ETH $BNB , so this is a revolution in the evolution of human civilization.