The market is generally rising, share a small currency that can be ambushed.

Recently, thanks to the frequent good news and Bitcoin leading the rise, many small currencies have been independently pulled up. At this time, you can ambush some coins that have not yet started, which may rise in rotation.

Share a less well-known coin: ZIL.

Just the day before yesterday, ZIL voted for half a month to pass the halving policy. Starting this month, ZIL will begin to reduce mining rewards. This move can reduce market selling pressure and help prices rise.

Refer to Bitcoin's continuous rise after the reduction in production, which is a real positive. Not only may it be hyped up in the short term, but the reduction in production often brings long-term appreciation space.

At the same time, through observation, it was found that some whales and large funds began to focus on ZIL to buy.

As an old and strong coin, ZIL is a good choice for both short-term speculation and long-term holding.