The market is picking up.

Will it continue to touch the high and then fall back or break through directly? No one knows, and no one can predict the short-term market.

However, the market has now reached a stage where it can start at any time.

I have clearly told you all about this in Circle Thirteen. By building positions according to Circle Thirteen’s method until now, everyone has a lot of chips in their hands. Please hold them firmly and never throw them away, no matter what the reason.

Again, don’t be afraid of a market pullback, as it only gives us the opportunity to buy at the bottom.

Of course, there are still many people who choose to short at high levels. I don’t quite agree with this. It is true that there is pressure when the market reaches the 64,000 level, but it is not a reason for you to short.

At least for my friends in the Thirteenth Circle, I don’t allow you to make contracts at this time.

Even if someone listened to Thirteen's advice, successfully bought the bottom at 60,000, and bet on a high-multiple contract, and now made a lot of money, he came to thank Thirteen, and Thirteen asked him to quickly set the stop-profit point at 63,500.

Especially the all-in bet, which scared Thirteen into a cold sweat. Once the market starts a correction, it is estimated that all of Thirteen’s ancestors will be cursed.

The current market situation has not yet broken out of the trend, so there is no need to operate frequently in this price range, especially when it is close to a change in the market. The best option is to wait and see.

The next point to watch is 67,000. Once it breaks through, it may be a sign of a phased breakthrough.

This point requires special attention.


Today I saw a statistic that the United States has directly "grabbed" 19 billion US dollars in assets in the cryptocurrency circle through various forms of litigation this year, with total assets of 32 billion US dollars.

This money is the litigation settlement paid by various crypto projects and companies to relevant US agencies.

After seeing this data, Shisan fell into deep thought. On the surface, there are nearly 50 million cryptocurrency enthusiasts in the United States, and many congressmen and even the president have publicly expressed their support for cryptocurrency, but is it possible that this is a conspiracy set by the Americans?

Do they just treat the cryptocurrency world as a fat sheep that can be fleeced at any time?

Of course Thirteen is not saying that they have colluded to act out a play together. It is just a situation that naturally emerged under the legal, political and economic environment of the United States.

It is an open conspiracy, but there is no solution to an open conspiracy.

If it is a conspiracy, it will be exposed one day. There is really no way to stop an open conspiracy.

Thirteen thought of another question, who paid these tens of billions of funds? You can think about it, where did they make their money?

Did these companies work together to make the pie bigger? Of course not, all the money was contributed by the leeks in the cryptocurrency circle.

The wool comes from the sheep. Every penny they earn comes from our pockets, whether it is legal or illegal. No matter which way, it always comes from the pockets of the majority of retail investors.

This situation is extremely scary when you think about it. If Mike Pompeo continues to have more say, will he treat the cryptocurrency world as an ATM?

However, some people would think that it is a good thing that Lao Mi is robbing the rich, but he is not helping the poor. If this continues, these project parties and companies holding sickles will only double the harvest of leeks.

After all, there will always be more and more leeks in the cryptocurrency world.


As ordinary investors, we most likely cannot escape the scythe of the banker.

Everyone here thinks that they are extremely talented and that it is impossible for the banker to cut the cost on their heads.

We all overestimate ourselves.

Back then, when Shisan first entered the cryptocurrency circle, he was like most newbies, thinking that he was very talented and could only make money and not lose money in the cryptocurrency circle.

The result was cruel and I still feel scared.

After experiencing countless painful lessons, I found that as long as I trade frequently and pay too much attention to market fluctuations, I will be cut off.

Human greed and fear are insurmountable.

Everyone has been in the cryptocurrency world for so long that they will definitely be attracted by some skyrocketing projects. Under the temptation of huge profits, it is difficult to resist.

If I invest in this asset, I can get a hundred times the return. Why should I invest in Bitcoin? At most, I can only get a few times the return.

But have you ever thought about this question: when your assets increase a hundred times and you become financially free, where does all this money come from?

We all know that the cryptocurrency world does not create wealth, it is just a game of wealth transfer. Every penny you earn comes from someone else's pocket.

Will the banker pay you? Of course not. Only retail investors can pay you.

When your dream of wealth is shattered, you will find that you are the one who pays out.

This seems to be a very tragic story, and almost everyone in the cryptocurrency circle has experienced it.


Finally, let me talk to you about asset security.

This is very important. Due to the continuous efforts of hackers in recent days, many investors have lost the money in their wallets.

Including Shenyu, who stands at the top of the cryptocurrency circle, his wallet was also stolen and the loss was huge.

According to relevant information, permit phishing attacks are rampant and have caused more than 60 million US dollars in losses.

In particular, many friends like to do airdrops, and they will collect money from their wallets to the project website. Of course, there is no problem with regular projects.

However, hackers will monitor your wallet address and manipulate your wallet to ask you to authorize when you authorize the official website. Most people will think it is the project party, but in the end you have authorized the hackers.

Permit phishing attacks are very specific and fast. Once your wallet is successfully phished, it can perform offline signing, without paying gas fees, and can transfer your assets without your authorization.

There are various technical details, and Shisan is not a technical expert, so he cannot understand them.

But I know how to prevent it.

When you encounter keywords such as spender, Value, Permit, etc. when using the wallet, you must refuse them immediately and never agree to them. They may pop up continuously while you are operating, making you mistakenly think that it is an official behavior, but it is not. You must remember this.

Especially for those who do airdrops, many airdrop bloggers only tell you how to do airdrops, but do not tell you how to protect your assets.

Recently, Thirteen has not been doing airdrops to everyone, just for security reasons.

It is recommended that ordinary investors, if they have around 100, there is no need to put it in a wallet, just put it directly in the exchange (only the Universe Exchange and the Exchange are OK, don't trust other exchanges easily), and take higher security measures. If you have more than 100, you can use a hard wallet, but be sure to keep it well and don't lose it.

Finally, I wish everyone big profits in the cryptocurrency world and hope the bull market will come soon.