The number of first-time unemployment benefit claims came out today, slightly lower than expected, which can be seen as positive.

However, this positive news will not stimulate the current market much, and the shock cycle is expected to continue for some time. It will take at least until October for a new wave of market to start.

The current market fluctuations are very small, basically fluctuating between 63,000 and 66,000. Many people like to repeatedly arbitrage in this range.

Small investors can try it, but major positions must not do these meaningless things.

The volatility is very small, and the money-making effect is very low. Even if you do it right, you won’t make much. It’s better to take a good rest and do spot trading honestly.

The current trend is volatile. Although the upward channel seems to have been opened, there is still great uncertainty in the short term.

Thirteen still recommends that you do not operate frequently.

Seeing someone posting an order in the circle and making 100 times the profit and earning a lot, everyone was jealous.

In fact, there is no need to be jealous. If you make a mistake with this operation method once, everything will be completely wiped out.

Thirteen has seen too many people who are full of enthusiasm when doing contracts. They are very awesome and bragging, claiming that they have found an indicator that is very effective.

As soon as the market changes, it disappears.

Some indicators may be correct many times in a row, giving you the illusion that you have found the wealth code of the cryptocurrency world.

There is no such thing as a wealth code in the cryptocurrency world. How many smart people are trying to find the so-called code, but they have yet to gain anything. It is still more refreshing to just launch a project and reap the profits.


Many people are hoping that the market will fall.

But this dead market obviously can’t go up anymore, but it just won’t adjust.

This may be how the banker grasps people's hearts. When you really expect it to pull back, it is basically difficult to pull back, at least that's the case for now.

Over the past few months, many retail investors have developed a bearish mindset, believing that the market will inevitably fall when it reaches a critical point, and some even open short positions at high levels based on past experience.

As a result, I am now in a dilemma. If I sell my shares, I am afraid that I will be cut at the bottom. If I don't sell, I will lose money every day. It is really painful.

I actually don’t understand why investing in the cryptocurrency industry is so tiring? Isn’t it better to relax a little? Isn’t it better to embrace value? Isn’t it better to make stable money?

​I have actually been thinking about a question: why do most people understand the basic investment principles, but just can’t do it?

Later I found out that the reason these people entered the cryptocurrency world was because they subconsciously wanted to gamble.

He doesn't believe in Bitcoin or any cryptocurrency at all, he just sees this as a platform to get rich overnight.

So after entering the market, they say they will invest in value, but in practice they prefer contracts, local dogs, and levels.

The reason why the sol chain is so prosperous is basically supported by local dogs. You can imagine how many people have been gambling in it and have been cut off.

This circle is cruel. The rules seem fair, but they are unfair in nature.

If you try to fish in troubled waters, the ending will be cruel.


As the market has come to this point, many people have started to protect their capital, and are now struggling over whether to take profit or wait for better market conditions.

For each person, the choices for these questions may be different.

If you are going all-in, you must sell more than 30% of your position now and keep some cash in hand to deal with any unforeseen situations.

Anything can happen in the cryptocurrency world. Before the FTX incident, who could have imagined that the third largest exchange would suddenly collapse?

Friends who have smaller positions should not only not take profits now, but should prepare to increase their positions. If your position is not large enough, it will be difficult to make money in a bull market.

Friends who have a reasonable position layout do not need to take profit and can hold on to it until the bull market.

The friends in Circle Thirteen are now all doing very well in controlling their positions.

Although Thirteen cannot accurately predict the low and high points, there is no problem in judging the bottom range, and it has always encouraged everyone to buy at the bottom. Now just hold on to it with confidence.

Let me just say casually today that basically the market conditions these past few days have been very boring, and the news and data have also been very dull.

There is nothing much to say, everyone should go to bed early.