The market has been really strong during this period. The intraday market was at a low of 62,000 in the early morning and then strongly rushed to a high of 64,500. In the afternoon, it was volatile. In the evening, the market again strongly rushed to a high of 65,000. The long ideas we gave during the day were just right. Every egg was stable, and it was full of mouthfuls. Today is still a long position, and there is no obvious decline. The long orders arranged during the day were also perfectly won.

After two rounds of highs, the market has reached a high of above 65,000, and is currently experiencing a slight decline to around 64,800. Beware of the high-rise and fall trend during the day. We can catch more waves and fall when the line is disconnected at night.

Do you know why many people can't live long in the currency circle? It's because of human greed. I always think that the market can rise or fall a little. If the direction is wrong, I can't bear to cut the meat in time. If it is right, I can't grasp it in time, resulting in a double reverse trend. Veterinarians are not objective, so why do many people look for teachers to lead? It's because they know that they can't grasp it when they face it. Find a teacher and listen to him/her. It's like a warning bell that will wake you up all the time! So don't be dominated by greed, otherwise there will only be one ending. #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储11月降息预期升温 #meme超级周期 #Moonbix #大A香还是大饼香