For a long time I didn’t know how to approach investing in gold. I didn’t want to invest in it for decades, but I dreamed of using it as a means of preserving capital and saving for something in the medium term. And here, oddly enough, cryptocurrencies come to the rescue again. I started looking into it and settled on #XAUT " data-hashtag="#XAUT " class="tag">#XAUT

from the company #Tether. After all, this is the issuer of perhaps the main coin in the crypto community. There are risks, of course. But it is also possible to receive interest on this gold coin up to 12% per annum, which is very convenient. That is, in this way gold dust is poured into you every day. A speck of dust to a speck of dust and capital is formed. At least the awareness that your capital is at work is worth a lot. So far I have not invested much, namely 200 #USDT , but the main thing is to understand how it works. In the future, there is an idea to try saving up in #XAUT , for example for a new #iPhone , which is very conditional. The main thing is to collect it and see how it will multiply using compound interest.