Silk Road analysis at noon on Tuesday, October 8:

Cao Zuo's suggestion:

If the price of the big cake falls back to around 62000-61600, do a long position, with a target of around 64000

If the price of the big cake falls back to around 2400-2370, do a long position, with a target of around 2480

The suggestion given last night was to exit the market early with a small loss, and then return to the market to make a profit.

At present, as long as it is stable above 62000, the bullish trend will continue to be effective. The 50-day moving average still maintains an upward trend, and the momentum is still upward.

In the one-hour level line, the operation channel is under pressure and callback. The price is currently fluctuating in a narrow range at a high level. In fact, it is a weak callback and adjustment. The short-term volume is arranged but there is no substantial release. In the next thinking, we will mainly do more at the low level of the retracement. #非农人数大幅升温 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #BTC☀ #BTC走势分析 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $BTC $ETH