Non-agricultural data is coming, how to arrange in the evening? 10.4 Big Pancake Auntie Evening Market Analysis and Operation Ideas

The coin price stopped falling and rebounded in the morning, instantly rising by 700 to 800 points, and then it has been consolidating slightly around 61,000. According to the daily closing line, the coin price has signs of stopping the decline. This wave of decline has fallen from the highest 66,450 to the lowest 59,840, and has fallen by 6,700 points. It may have fallen to the right place! Don’t blindly be bearish!

From a technical point of view, the daily line closed positive this morning after four consecutive negative lines. The positive line is like a cross star. Although it closed negative the day before, it also had a long lower shadow, which is suspected to be a signal of bottoming out! So don’t be too bearish!

In the four-hour chart, the price of the currency fluctuated downward. A large positive column in the morning directly pulled it up. It was temporarily blocked by the pressure near the middle track of Bollinger 61,600. The smoothly running Bollinger band began to close slightly. The price of the currency ran between the middle and lower tracks, indicating that the strength of the short position slowed down. Although the high point position continued to move downward, the KDJ golden cross diverged many times, and the MACD double line also turned upward at a low level to form a golden cross, and the volume began to increase!

From the overall market, there are signs of stopping the decline. According to the market's forecast of non-agricultural data, it is bullish for the currency circle, but the specific data still needs to be released! Therefore, Conan recommends retreating to long positions for night operations. Pay attention to 61600, 62500, 63000 and 64200 for upper pressure, and 59800 and 59200 for lower support

10.4 Bitcoin non-agricultural operation ideas: aggressive ones enter the market near 61000 to go long, conservative ones enter the market at 60000-60500, the target is 61500-62000, and hold if it breaks through to see the situation! If the non-agricultural data is significantly bullish, then the long positions entered at a low position can be held to see the mid-line target of 3000-5000 points

10.4 Ethereum non-agricultural operation ideas: enter the market at 2300-2340 to go long, the target is around 2380-2400-2450, and hold if it breaks through to see the situation! The non-farm data is significantly positive, and the mid-line space of 200-400 points can also be seen

Tonight's non-farm data is the key data to determine the Fed's interest rate cut next month. The previous value was 142,000, and the market expects it to decrease to 140,000. According to expectations, it is bullish for the cryptocurrency circle. Conan expects that it will still be the market of Tiandizhen at that time. Everyone should use stop loss to control risks! If you don't understand or do it well, you can control your position. Look for Conan's ideas and let's rush together! #加密市场急跌 #非农就业数据即将公布 #灰度拟推出AAVE信托基金