Zhuangzi: Wait for the wind to come, take advantage of the wind, and ride on it. Sharing my experience of fighting non-agricultural data for 20 years.

After dividing the positions, follow the old rules and split them into three parts.

The first one was for the leading fund REEF. I started last night and added a little in the morning. It is in floating profit status.

The second one was given to USTC, which was hyped up as a hot spot for FET a few days ago. I gave it some face. Then I made a profit after entering it for a while. It shows that the sentiment is not bad.

The third one was given to BEAMX, the second currency selected by the robot monitoring today. I made a profit immediately after entering. I set stop loss for all of them. Wait for the wind to come in the evening!

Of course, I am not asking you to buy these currencies, I mean this method, everyone understands it. No matter what currency you hold, it doesn’t matter, when the data comes, it will move in sync!

Wait for the wind to come at night. When the wind comes, pigs will fly. If the wind doesn't come, it won't hurt. You won't lose money. This is the lurking method when big news comes. Before the news comes out, if there is profit, keep part of the position and wait for the wind. Whether it comes or not, we will be calm!

A few minutes after the news comes out, everyone should try to wait and see, and don't follow it casually. I remember that before 2008, when I was doing foreign exchange, I liked to use the method of hanging breakthrough prices, which made me blacklisted on several Hong Kong MT4 platforms. I led many people to use this method and only did non-agricultural data every month. Turn over positions in one second. But after 2012, it basically failed. The overall market environment changed. After the data came out, it liked to go for V-shaped reversals, N-shaped reversals, and A-kills, so this strategy failed and I didn't use this trick. In fact, Coin can also be used, but Binance can't use it, but OK can use it. I used this trick before, but I haven't used OK for a long time. I don't know if the current trading mechanism has changed. Just calculate his profit and loss ratio, it's very simple and rough.

However, in recent years, the international environment has changed. I prefer to ambush in advance, not blindly, but to gamble for greater profits when there is profit. It is very dangerous, especially in the currency circle, which is different from gold and foreign exchange. In short, everyone should be careful tonight, and novices should not participate!

Everyone, follow me tonight at 8:30 and share the data on the Square as soon as it comes out!

Follow me, get the monitoring robot of Dragon Coin, and get the latest international news! Thank you for your likes and attention!

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