There is a comment saying that I succeeded in one order and posted for a month, which is full of sarcasm.

First of all, I only open a few orders a month, and my trading strategy is mainly based on trends.

At the beginning of September, I called for 55,000 to buy the bottom of Bitcoin, 2,300 to buy the bottom of Ethereum, and 500 to buy the bottom of BNB.

As a result, it has been rising until the end of September. What's wrong? Are you going to let me stop updating for a month?

And this time I have been updating the operation of shorting sui.

It reminds me to short at 2 → short at 2 → start to fall → recharge faith → continue to fall → eat meat and show off → reduce positions and raise stop loss at 1.63. A series of almost perfect strategy releases and interactions

Is there anything wrong with this? The only conclusion I can draw is: he missed this round of trend, he went long on sui

$BTC $BNB $SUI #加密市场急跌 #非农就业数据即将公布 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #灰度拟推出AAVE信托基金