Have you ever spent 1 yuan to buy Bitcoin? I once spent 10,000 yuan to buy 500 Bitcoins, but was criticized by my father. He thought I was stupid and was deceived by others.

In desperation, I sold all 500 Bitcoins and made a profit of more than 3,000 yuan.

I wanted to prove my vision to my father, but he criticized me and said that I was just lucky. I was depressed and stayed away from Bitcoin from then on.

However, when I went home in September this year, my father's attitude towards me became weird. He tentatively asked me if I still held Bitcoin.

I told him that I no longer played this, but he scolded me again, saying that I was useless and had no opinion.

I understand that if I hadn't sold those Bitcoins, their value would have doubled by at least 150 million now.

Thinking of this, I regretted it and slapped my thigh hard, but it was too late.

Today, Bitcoin holding seems to be more suitable. #MARU, this popular box cat meme coin, has reached a market value of $800,000 under the active promotion of the community.

The market is full of expectations for it and predicts that the coin has huge growth potential in the short term, which is a good opportunity to build a position. #加密市场急跌 #大A香还是大饼香 #伊朗导弹袭击以色列 #灰度拟推出AAVE信托基金 #MARU