Sun Yuchen's activities in the currency circle are indeed frequent and eye-catching, and his recent operations have become a topic again. Although he is already in a high position, he still personally participated in the sale of EIGEN airdrops and successfully sold 5.374 million tokens at an average price of US$4.03, earning more than US$20 million. Although this money may not be a big deal for him, his series of operations make people curious.

Specifically, Sun Yuchen's operation process is as follows:

He first received EIGEN's airdrop tokens through 6 addresses, totaling 5.374 million tokens.

When the EIGEN tokens were allowed to be transferred, he did not choose to sell them directly, but first transferred them to HTX (formerly known as Huobi).

Then, he quickly transferred these tokens from HTX to Binance, and finally sold them all on Binance at an average price of US$4.03, in exchange for 21.66 million USDT.

There may be several reasons why he transferred the tokens to HTX first and then to Binance:

Trading price and liquidity considerations: Trading prices and liquidity may vary on different exchanges. Sun Yuchen may think that by transferring between HTX and Binance, he can find a better trading price and use the high liquidity of these two exchanges to complete the transaction quickly.

Risk diversification: Spreading assets across multiple exchanges can reduce risks. If a single exchange has problems, such as technical failures or regulatory risks, the dispersed assets can reduce losses.

Arbitrage opportunities: If there is a price difference between HTX and Binance, Sun Yuchen may achieve risk-free arbitrage through this transfer operation and further increase his returns.

In general, Sun Yuchen's series of operations may be based on his in-depth understanding and accurate judgment of the market, as well as his accurate calculation of trading risks and returns. Although this money may be just "small money" for him, his operation strategy is still worth learning and thinking about.