Big Pie Long Order: Buy in the range of 60300 to 60800. If the price drops to 59300, cover the position. The stop loss line is set at 59000. The target is that the price breaks through 61500. Short Order: Sell in the range of 62600 to 63000, expecting the price to fall below 61800. If the price rises to 63900, cover the position. The stop loss line is set at 60010

Two Pie Short Order: Sell in the range of 2541 to 2580. If the price rises to 2650, cover the position. The stop loss line is set at 2670. The target is that the price falls below 2460. Long Order: Pay attention to the buying opportunities in the range of 2360 to 2390, set the stop loss at 50 points, and the target is that the price breaks through 2460.

In addition, I have locked in a potential black horse coin that is about to soar. Doubling is just an easy jump! The bigger goal is to carefully select a batch of potential coins that are expected to explode before the end of the year. I will announce the specific big moves later. Click on the avatar to follow me and share directly!

#大A香还是大饼香 #BTC☀ #sol板块 #非农就业数据即将公布 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥