$BTC The price of pie plummeted, are you panicking?

Next, I will tell you a very metaphysical story,

History will not repeat itself, but it will always be surprisingly similar,

Take a look at the monthly return rate chart of pie in the past 11 years,

Maybe you will not panic after reading it! $ETH $SOL

The time is from 2013 to 2024. In these 11 years,

Only 4 years have seen an increase in September,

2015, 2016, 2023, and 2024,

And in these 4 years, as long as September is rising,

Then October, November, and December will continue to rise!

Is this very metaphysical, is it very surprising?

So will history break this rule now?

In September this year, pie is rising,

So, this month, November, and December,

Will they also rise according to historical rules?

This year is a year of half-year reduction, interest rate cuts, and elections!

I personally feel that the market will be very good in the future!

Pat your shoulders, hold your chest high, and wait patiently!

#加密市场急跌 #伊朗导弹袭击以色列 #非农就业数据即将公布 #美国8月核心PCE创4月以来新高 #美联储11月降息预期升温

The above content only represents personal opinions and does not constitute any investment advice!