Bitcoins cost 0.3 yuan each, and in 2009, you could buy 900 of them for 300 yuan.

After 8 years, until the peak of the bull market in 2017, the price of Bitcoin soared to more than 10,000 yuan, up to 130,000 yuan. With this investment, the principal was only 300 yuan, and the final profit exceeded 100 million yuan. This is undoubtedly a legendary investment story.

In 2009, Bitcoin was still a little-known digital currency with negligible value. No one expected that in just a few years, it would trigger a global financial crisis.

300 yuan at that time might be able to buy a few fashionable clothes or enjoy a delicious meal. However, if this money is invested in Bitcoin, by 2017, it will transform into an enviable huge wealth.

Imagine that the principal of 300 yuan, after 8 years, the final profit exceeded 100 million yuan. This is undoubtedly a legendary investment legend.

I followed the square box cat, MARU. I heard that its community is from the Presidential Palace and has extraordinary potential. I cast a vote of confidence and can open a new chapter in my life in 2024. #大A香还是大饼香 #鲍威尔谈话后市场调整降息预期 #上市公司增持BTC #MARU #非农就业数据即将公布