FIL, the world has finally let you down

FIL, the world has finally let you down.

Alas, the price of FIL coins has never improved, and it can't even break through 4U, let alone return to the peak. I used to have nearly 5,000 FIL coins at most, which might have been my highlight moment and the peak of wealth. Now I have reduced my position all the way, and there are only more than 200 left. I may not sell these more than 200. I'll keep them as a souvenir.

The current market environment of FIL is completely different from that of 2021. At that time, its circulation was even only tens of millions. The service providers actively participated in the network, resulting in a large demand. With the high-end vision and various mining machine propaganda, coupled with the background of the bull market, FIL has been rising all the way. Many people have invested hundreds or even tens of millions in FIL mining machines.

Only when the tide recedes can we know who is swimming naked. When the bull market reached its peak and began to fall, the owners of major mining machines realized that they had only lived in their vision, because the cost of FIL miners is higher than other miners. Not only do they need mining machines, but they also need to buy coins for pledge, and there is a time limit. Faced with the changes in the background, it has become a long way to go to get back the investment

#鲍威尔谈话后市场调整降息预期 #上市公司增持BTC #鲍威尔谈话后市场调整降息预期 #FIL/USDT