1. Never buy high stocks
The charm of the market lies in its uncertainty. When asset prices rise wildly, people are often driven by greed and eager to gain more profits by adding positions. However, as the iron law warns, the market will never be exactly what we imagine. Behind every seemingly attractive rise may be a huge risk. Heavily holding high positions is like dancing on the edge of a cliff. If you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss. Veterans know this well. They understand that market changes are unpredictable and impulsive behavior often brings heavy costs. Therefore, staying calm and restraining the urge to chase high prices is an important step to protect your wealth.

2. When you make money, you must put it in your pocket in time
Greed is the enemy of cryptocurrency traders. When we gain profits in the market, it is easy to fall into the fantasy of "a little more growth". However, the volatility of the market often makes our illusions shattered, profits are lost or even the principal is damaged. The key to supporting a family by cryptocurrency trading is to know how to stop profit at the right time and put the money earned into pockets in time. Only in this way can we maintain a stable mentality in the market fluctuations and prepare for the next investment. Not pursuing to make the last penny is a kind of wisdom and a sound investment strategy.

3. Don’t resist single
When faced with losses, many people will choose to hold on, hoping that prices will rebound. But this approach is often wrong. The market will not change direction because of our expectations, and losses will only get deeper and deeper. Decisive stop loss is an important means of protecting capital. When we find that our judgment is wrong, we should take immediate action to avoid further losses. The market is ruthless. We must learn to admit mistakes and stop losses in time to go further on the road of investment.

4. Invest your spare money, never borrow
Cryptocurrency trading is a high-risk investment activity. Using spare money to invest can keep us in a good state of mind when facing market fluctuations. Borrowing money to trade cryptocurrencies will bring us tremendous pressure. Every market fluctuation may make us fall into anxiety and panic. The collapse of mentality often leads to operational errors, which in turn cause greater losses. Therefore, we must adhere to the principle of investing spare money and not put ourselves in unbearable risks.

5. Be optimistic in the long term and don’t act blindly in the short term
The fluctuation of the cryptocurrency market is normal, and short-term ups and downs are difficult to predict. As top cryptocurrency traders, we should have a long-term vision and maintain firm confidence in the projects we are optimistic about. Don't be swayed by short-term fluctuations. Unless there is a clear signal of peaking, don't easily adjust operations. Long-term layout requires patience and determination. Only in this way can we accumulate wealth in the ups and downs of the market and achieve the goal of supporting our families by cryptocurrency trading.


Cryptocurrency trading requires strict discipline. These five iron laws are valuable experiences summed up by countless crypto traders through hard work and lessons. Keeping these iron laws in mind can help us keep a clear mind on the road of cryptocurrency trading, invest steadily, seize market opportunities, and achieve wealth growth.

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