First, according to the data from Triple-A, China is not even in the top 30 in terms of the number of investors. Look at the picture below. Is China in the top 30? No.

What percentage of the world’s cryptocurrency investors are Chinese? The answer is only 4.15%

Second, in terms of transaction volume. According to Chainanysis data, East Asia as a whole only accounts for 8.8% of global transaction volume, while the rest of the world accounts for 91.2%; as shown below:

So there is no need to worry about the Chinese stock market affecting the cryptocurrency world, and there is no need to imagine ourselves as the protagonist.

Finally, the crypto market has a future because it is not much influenced by China and it is a truly global market. Any investment market or project that is greatly influenced by China is definitely the next A-share market, so stay away from it as soon as possible.