Bitcoin ETF Netflow :

- Positive USD Netflow (Green Bars): These bars indicate the inflow of USD into the Bitcoin ETF, suggesting that retail investors are purchasing the ETF, likely driven by (FOMO) buying pressure.

-Negative USD Netflow (Red Bars): These bars indicate the outflow of USD from the Bitcoin ETF, suggesting that retail investors are selling the ETF, likely driven by (fear) .

1d ~ 1w UTXO Age Band (purple line):

This represents the realized price of Bitcoin that has been held between 1 day to 1 week.

- UTXO Bullish Signals:

When the market price crosses and stays above the realized price, it typically suggests that market sentiment is positive and investors are in profit. This can attract more buying, pushing the price higher.

- UTXO Bearish Signals:

Conversely, when the market price drops and heads towards the realized price, it indicates a potential market correction or bearish sentiment. Investors might be looking to sell or realize their profits, leading to further declines.

The Korea Premium Index :

(commonly known as the "Kimchi Premium") refers to the price difference between Bitcoin (or other cryptocurrencies) traded on South Korean exchanges versus global exchanges. It measures how much higher or lower Bitcoin's price is in Korea compared to the rest of the world.

- Negative Premium: When the Korea Premium Index is negative ( near to zero or lower ), Bitcoin is trading at a lower price on Korean exchanges compared to global exchanges. It means that there is low buying pressure from Korean traders (FYI trading crypto in korea is a cluture phenomenon ).

Written by Amr Taha