Regarding the filling of Sichuan with people from Huguang, Sichuan now has a population of nearly 100 million and has become a strategic rear area. However, in the seventh year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, after Zhang Xianzhong massacred Sichuan, Sichuan had only more than 90,000 people, less than the population of a county in other provinces. Sichuan Governor Zhang Dedi was worried and submitted a memorial to Emperor Kangxi, saying: "I am honored to be appointed as the highest official in Sichuan and come to this war-torn place, but now when I stand in the devastated former land of abundance, I have no way to increase taxes and it is difficult to collect taxes. I am uneasy and have no sleep or food. I was sent by the emperor and I can only be loyal to the country and the court. After thinking for several days, I feel that to revive the reputation of Sichuan as a land of abundance, there is no other way but to attract immigrants to reclaim land and rebuild homes." "Ming and Qing Historical Materials·Hubu Tiben". Governor Zhang also mentioned some immigration methods in the memorial. Kangxi, sitting on the dragon throne in the Forbidden City, was also worried about national taxation and reconstruction. After receiving memorials from local officials in Sichuan one after another, the emperor summoned relevant departments to listen to reports and officially issued an edict called "The Edict of Recruiting People to Fill Sichuan in the 33rd Year of Emperor Kangxi's Reign", ordering a large number of immigrants from Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong and other places to Sichuan. The Hakka people were the second largest immigrant group.