After returning from Japan yesterday, I rushed to Shenzhen, so I didn’t have time to update.

The cryptocurrency, stock and gold markets have been doing very well these days.

But today I dare to talk about the stock market instead of the cryptocurrency world - not because there is no news in the cryptocurrency world, but because there is too much news and I need to go back and sort it out.

After the stock market started to defend 3,000 points, it continued to fall to 2,700. When everyone had given up hope on the stock market, the above policy came out and the stock market recovered the lost ground in just three days.

It’s not that the Chinese stock market has bottomed out and rebounded, but it further proves that China’s stock market is a policy market and has nothing to do with the market.

At present, improving the stock market has become a very standard political task, and the authorities have also transformed the past high-pressure financial rectification into a new understanding of a national weapon.

The era of everyone investing in stocks has arrived.

This time is different from 2015. Last time it was a flood of money, with private capital pouring in spontaneously, but this time it is the national team that is entering the field to set an example, and they are still using the same old trick of stepping on their left foot and spiraling up to the sky. How can it not be crazy?

The above also has a deep meaning. Aren’t you all holding onto your money and not spending it? Aren’t you all rushing to grab the 2.5% large-denomination certificates of deposit? I told you to save.

When you have saved almost all your money, you are still unwilling to invest or consume, right?

Work in the stock market.

You don't want to go in, right? My national team went in first and grabbed the chips first, so are you going to go in?

When the common people saw that the national team had entered the stadium, they thought they would be stupid if they didn't enter the stadium, so they also entered the stadium one after another.

Aren’t the wallets of the people, which were originally tightly locked, now opened up?


After opening it, you will definitely make money, because making money is a good thing for everyone.

Let’s interpret it from the above perspective:

If you want to make money, you have to invest money first and open your wallet.

Investing money can make you money at this stage. When you make money, don’t you have money to spend?

You see, now that the purse strings are opened, hasn’t the previously sluggish consumption been revived?

It is said that the young ladies in the south have raised their prices, and the stock investors are directly snatching the market from the coin investors. Where can we go to seek justice?

If consumption is revived, bosses will have the motivation to expand reproduction and hire people. Will employment also improve?

The resulting social financing data and CPI will also have a positive impact.

In fact, there is a more important point, which is debt repayment.

How can we pay off the huge amount of debt accumulated at the local level in the past?

Follow the Greek route and rely on one or even several generations of not eating or drinking?

This is unrealistic and does not reflect the superiority of the socialist system.

Therefore, we can only use growth and development to solve old problems.

The only place that can generate incremental growth at the moment is the stock market.

Once the stock market rises, no matter whether it is a false prosperity or how big the bubble is, at least many previous problems can be solved.

As for the problems that may arise later, we can only say that we believe in the wisdom of future generations.

Some people say that the price has increased by more than 10% from 2700 to 3000. Is it still possible to get on board?

Get on the bus, how can you not get on the bus?

How many chips have been snatched now, and how much has the price increased?

If a coin only increases by 10% despite good news, would you not buy it?

Buy it, you must buy it.

Some people also said, what’s the point of the price going up, I’m still stuck with what I bought before.

Seeing that many people hold this view, Juzi thinks he is right.

I can only say that people with poor brains really can’t make money.

Your previous losses were due to the previous market conditions and your wrong judgment.

You can make money now, but you give up the opportunity to make money because of previous wrong judgments and being trapped.

If this isn't a problem with your brain, then what is?

Just like Bitcoin, you bought it for 60,000 before, and now it hasn’t returned to 60,000, so you are trapped.

But now the Federal Reserve has cut interest rates, and the domestic interest rate and reserve requirement ratio have also been cut, and a huge amount of liquidity is about to come in. Then you say that it’s only 60,000 now, and I have just recovered my investment, I haven’t made any money, can this be considered an increase?

You didn't buy when the price was low, and didn't know how to spread your holding costs. Instead, you blame the market for not making any money on your original position?

Should the market directly recharge 300 million into your account before you are considered to have made money?

But actually, the opposite is also a good thing. Since there are so many idiots in this market, we should just make their money.

As for how to play, Juzuo has a strategy that you can refer to.

Here is a solemn reminder: this is not intended as investment advice, and we are not responsible for anyone's investment behavior.

You don’t have to share your profits with me, and don’t come to me if you lose money.

The strategy is:

Just buy the index, don’t participate in individual stocks, and then clear out the inventory before the New Year.

Some people may ask, why are you so optimistic about the Chinese stock market, but you are engaging in such extreme short-term operations?

The reason is simple. Instead of believing in the wisdom of future generations, I believe more in the nature of the Chinese people.

Maybe the stock market will continue to grow in the future, but as a person like me, I can’t see that far, so I can only make a relatively conservative and stable choice.

After all, I'm here to make money, not to be used as fuel.


I am Ju Zuo, a man who focuses on recovering cryptocurrency assets and helping you get rich.

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