I've been a bit busy with business these past two days, all about asset recovery, so I didn't update yesterday, sorry.

Therefore, I will not update the content related to asset recovery for now, and finish the business at hand first.

Let’s talk about making friends today.

Making friends in the cryptocurrency circle is a very important thing, because no one is a native of web3. We all changed our careers halfway through, learned about web3, and were attracted by its unique values, technology, and wealth-creating effects.

But everyone in the cryptocurrency circle is lonely because there is no one around who shares the same frequency.

Therefore, making friends becomes even more important, because every step you take in the cryptocurrency circle cannot be taken by yourself, and you can only make progress after connecting with others.

It’s just that too many people don’t understand the web3 friendship rules and suffer a lot from it.

Many people will blindly trust others, such as group friends. This kind of thing happened a lot in the early years, especially among group friends who had chatted online for a long time. It felt as if everyone was a believer in blockchain, so they could have more trust.

But what you don’t know is that they just want a little more trust.


In view of the leeks' eager nature, some people even set up a pig-killing scheme specifically for group members to attract enthusiastic leeks and then harvest them, and later they started to seduce them.

But the situation is much better now. Everyone has been tricked by the group members’ entrepreneurship, so there are not so many stupid people who will easily trust the group members.

The reason why Ju Zuo doesn't want to create a group now is that he is worried that someone will sneak into the group and recruit people to harvest.

What is even more terrifying than blind belief is blind worship, mainly of the so-called industry leaders and big Vs.

In the early years, when the leeks were still very simple, they would go to kneel down and lick the big guys, thinking that they could get some benefits from them, but they didn’t know that you are just another one among many lickers, and you are no different from other lickers.

You treat the big guys as your friends with all your heart and want to make friends with them, but you find out that the big guys are just bigger sickles. Their main task is to reap their believers, otherwise how can they make a living?

The same goes for the big Vs, especially those who led orders in the early years. The most famous one is the madman. At that time, so many people believed in him, bought with him, and went all in with him, but in the end they were all cut dry.

In the past few years, Ju Zuo also faced such a situation, so I told the students that you should not easily believe what anyone says in the currency circle. Even if it is what I say, you should think for yourself before making a decision.

Rational thinking is absolutely a compulsory course for everyone in the cryptocurrency circle.

Because the only person who can be held accountable for your decisions is you.

Having said so much, how should we make friends?

Ju Zuo proposes an 8-word principle: start scoring from 0 and accumulate points.

Just as the name suggests, from the moment you get to know someone, you will give him a score of 0 out of 100 by default.

First look at his circle of friends. The longer the time, the more points you will get. The more effective content, the more points you will get, up to 30 points.

For example: a person’s circle of friends can be seen seven years ago, and the content is highly relevant to the industry, and it includes his own life trajectory, and his thoughts and judgments on the industry. This is of higher quality.

But for another person, if his Moments are full of single messages or nothing can be seen, he will be given 0 points by default because he has not provided any content that can add points to himself.

You can look at your common groups or mutual friends, and you don’t need to ask, just observe quietly.

Observe his speeches and performance in the group, and look through what he said in the past to get a general idea of ​​what kind of person he is. If you think there are points worth adding, just give him an appropriate score.

If you encounter something that intersects with him, you can ask your mutual friends what they think of him.

For example, when he tells you that he has a quota for a project or asks for your help, you don't have to make your own judgment. Just ask other people what they think of him. At most, you can ask a few more people.

If calculated from a comprehensive dimension, his score is above 70 points, which means this person can get along with others.

If you can't even get 60 points, it won't be wrong to block you.

The reason why many people are not careful in making friends is that they let their subjective emotions affect their objective judgment. When they have something in mind, they will eventually pay the price.

There's nothing you can do about it, it's your own choice.

But if you can design a set of rules for making friends like I did, and let the rules replace subjective emotions, if you are qualified, I can give you the necessary financial and resource support. If you are not qualified, there is nothing wrong with directly rejecting you. At least there will be no financial loss.


The last point is to learn to say no - say no to things that you instinctively resist.

Speaking of this, I think of a friend. Emotionally, I feel a little sorry for him, but objectively speaking, I don’t think I did anything wrong.

I have actually known this friend for several years. He has always been in the circle and has always been dealing with local people. He went overseas a few years ago and visited the Middle East and Southeast Asia successively, but the results were not very ideal. We have kept in touch during this period, and he would also share some overseas experiences with me.

One night he suddenly asked me to borrow money, saying that he had a gap of 200,000 U.S. dollars and asked me if I could support him with 20,000 U.S. dollars.

To be honest, I hesitated for a while and finally refused.

On the one hand, it was because I had just written an article about how people in the cryptocurrency circle don’t borrow money, and on the other hand, I felt that his net worth did not quite match the amount he wanted to borrow.

So Juzuo said not to let subjective emotions dominate objective facts.

From an emotional point of view, we have known each other for such a long time and the amount I borrowed is not much, just 20,000 U.S. dollars.

But objectively speaking, there is something wrong with this matter, and I don’t want to borrow it.

Of course, he didn't stop dating me because of this incident, and we are still in normal contact. It seems that he has gotten over this hurdle.

As the old saying goes, whoever has the money in their pocket will bear that person’s name.

not your key,not your coin。

not your money,not your name。

We need friends, we need more and more friends, but we cannot let ourselves fall into a whirlpool just because we have a wide range of friends.

I hope this set of friendship guidelines can help friends who are unsure in this regard, and I also hope that everyone can make reliable and caring friends.


I am Ju Zuo, a man who focuses on recovering cryptocurrency assets and helping you get rich.