You need to pay attention to the four-hour chart. There is no obvious short signal. Let me explain it to you briefly. The Bollinger Bands in the four-hour chart show an open shape, and the MACD shows a golden cross shape. There is basically no sign of bearishness. This is quite scary. The depth of the short-term correction may not be too deep. It is possible that the bulls will hit the high point after accumulating power. For short-term contract users, you must not easily try to enter the market with short orders. Short orders are currently considered to be counter-trend operations and are not advisable. The technical level is here. Under the basic situation and general trend, the graphic level will not help you much. The overall cooperation at the news level is still needed. Let's talk about the recent hot spots. Many friends sent private messages and felt that the rise of A shares would attract a lot of capital investment in the currency circle. Everyone is a little self-deprecating. Remember that the largest capital in the currency circle is in Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States. The volume of capital intervention in our country basically cannot affect the overall situation. Regarding this point of doubt, a large number of domestic bubbles have been removed since the four major banks issued the ban in 21.

Lao A will indeed absorb a lot of funds, but more of it comes from the central bank's money supply. Lao Cui does agree with the short-term rise, but the difference between Lao A and the currency circle is that this wave of growth in the currency circle is due to the existence of capital and market, and there is no hidden danger. The difference between Lao A's path and ours is that the short-term money supply stimulus, but its fundamental cause has not been solved. When you look at the growth of a region, you can't just look at the surface data, employment rate and unemployment rate, industrial base and ordinary people's income, GDP water, high-tech development and infrastructure improvement, etc. Only by combining all the data can we reflect a real trend. Obviously, for the long term, the country does not have a condition for long-term growth. It is a perfect strategy to survive this year. If you want to stimulate the circulation of funds, you must let the grassroots people dare to consume, and the premise of daring to consume must also be that there must be funds in hand.