September 28, 2024

gm, this is the greeting that friends in the B-circle say every day when they wake up. CZ also said hello to us on the first morning after he was released from prison. BNB even rose a little in the short term as a sign of respect. In fact, no matter who you are, you can't make everyone like you, including CZ and BN. There were many negative comments in the early days, but today, I think most people will admire CZ. In the B-circle, there are many people who have become rich by cheating, especially those in the same group as CZ. To be honest, it was difficult to keep this bottom line when there was a lack of supervision in the early years, but BN did it.

To some extent, BN is the one who pushed the industry forward, and CZ has made an indispensable contribution. CZ is to BN as much as Steve Jobs is to Apple. I admire people who have made great contributions to the progress of the industry, not those who are short-sighted and unethical. This has nothing to do with money, and I think most people are the same. In the financial market, there are too many temptations, and if you are not careful, you will fall into an irreversible situation. If you stick to the bottom line of morality and law, you will eventually get the wealth within your own cognition, otherwise everything is just a mirage.

The same is true for our investment. When buying or selling a coin, do we have a clear logic, rather than just speculating? After all, speculation can only occasionally earn short-term gains, and real long-term growth still depends on investment. When you want to take shortcuts on a project, you may also fall into the trap of the project owner who has no moral bottom line. Following the projects and people with a pattern, rather than competing with the bottom line of the garbage project owner, is the way to win. There are projects in the B circle everywhere, and new ones are launched every day. We don’t need to give any project a second chance. As long as there is a single act of cutting leeks, it will be immediately blocked.

Back to the market, Bitcoin is slowly breaking through the pressure of 65,000. To be honest, I rarely see this kind of pull-up. Generally speaking, for this kind of important pressure, either a big positive line directly breaks through, or it goes sideways and then falls. Combined with the pull-ups of Ethereum and some cottages, this pressure is basically broken through. The overall upward trend has not stopped, but because the cottages that bought the bottom have already sold, I don’t want to take them back for the time being. I can wait for another pull before considering whether to continue to sell. It’s still the same as what I said before. I now have 60% of the position, but because I can use U to do arbitrage, and I think there will be a downward trend in the medium term, so there will be no fomo.

Thank you for your attention and likes.