9.27 day review

1. Afternoon:

65200 long BTC

Position: 50%

Stop profit range: 65800-65900

Stop profit: 600-700 points of profit

2. Evening:

65600 enter 10% short position

65400 add 20% short position

Average price 65500

Position: 30%

Stop loss: 66050

Loss of about 500 points.

3. Today's summary:

Two orders today, one win and one loss!

Maybe in terms of income, a little profit,

but not much!

At present, the profit effect of this market is still not high,

Long orders are not easy to do, and short orders are also average!

4. Plan:

Cancel other plans

Place the following plans:

1.66550 place 50% short

5.66988 place 50% short

Position: full position

Average price 66700

Stop loss: 67300

Stop profit 64800