24.9.28 intraday trading sharing:



1. Long order layout:

Trend: There is a small support above 65500, 65800 current price has one more layer of warehouse

Ambush; 65100, 64500, 64200 two points ambush 3 layers of warehouse in batches

Stop loss is around 63500.

Take profit: There is a strong pressure point near 67000-67300, so the take profit can be placed around 66998-67100.

2. Short order layout:

The point of long order take profit is also our high point.


66588 enters the 1st layer position, 66998 enters the 4th layer warehouse,

67288 enters the 5th layer warehouse. Full position layout ambush entry

Stop loss band 67688.



1. Long order layout:


2670 ambush one layer of position, 2635 ambush 3 layers of long positions!

Stop loss is around 2610.

Take profit: There is a strong pressure point near 2730-2760, so the take profit can be placed near 2730.

2. Short position layout:

The point of long position take profit is also our high position.


2730 enters the first layer position, 2750 enters the fourth layer position,

2788 enters the fifth layer position. Full position layout ambush entry

Stop loss is 2810.



Linked pie is the main one.

1. Long position layout:

Trend: There is support above 156, and the current price is 158 to enter the first layer of long positions

Ambush; 153, 151 batches of long

2. Short position layout:


168, 175, 180 points are deployed in batches at high altitude

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