Looking back on the grand bull market in 20 years, it is really vivid.

At that time, the currency circle, US stocks, A shares, and Hong Kong stocks seemed to have made an appointment, and all started the rising mode. Starting from October, the market gradually warmed up and the atmosphere gradually improved.

In November, as the dust settled on the election, the market seemed to be injected with a shot of cardiotonic, and the violent pull-up mode was instantly turned on. The altcoins were turning upside down, and the increase of 5 times and 10 times was not a problem; even those junk stocks that were usually inconspicuous also followed suit and easily achieved 2 to 3 times of appreciation.

All this carnival lasted only about two months, mainly concentrated between January and February of 21. Then, like a grand fireworks show, it gradually calmed down after the splendor. In March, the enthusiasm of the market began to fade, and major sectors entered the adjustment period one after another.

However, it is worth mentioning that in September of 21, the market seemed to have ushered in another small rebound, which brought a little surprise to investors. But overall, the market has entered a volatile downward trend since then.

And this year, the trend seems very similar to that year, which makes people feel that history is always surprisingly similar!

#金价屡创新高 #美国二季度核心PCE符合预期