1. Bitcoin is the weathervane of the currency circle in most cases. When it rises, everyone follows it, and when it falls, everyone worries about it. However, Ethereum is sometimes quite individual and will take a different path on its own, but the altcoins still cannot escape the shadow of Bitcoin.

2. Bitcoin and USDT are like playing on a seesaw. When one goes up, the other has to go down. If you see USDT going up, you should be aware that Bitcoin may be about to fall back. Conversely, when Bitcoin goes up, it is a good opportunity to buy USDT.

3. From midnight to 1 a.m. every day, the price of the currency is prone to fluctuate, sometimes up and sometimes down. Our domestic currency friends can set up a low-price buy and high-price sell order before going to bed. Maybe you will make money when you wake up, and easily realize "lying down to make money".

4. From 6 to 8 in the morning, this is a critical period that can help you decide whether to buy or sell today, and can also show the ups and downs of the day. If the price has been falling from the first half of the night to 6 o'clock, and it is still falling at this time, it is a good opportunity to cover the position or buy, because there is a high probability that it will rebound on the same day. On the contrary, if it has been rising from the first half of the night to 6 o'clock, and it is still rising at this time, then you have to consider selling, because there may be a correction on the same day.

5. Five o'clock in the afternoon is a legendary mysterious time, because friends in the United States start to go to work, and their actions may cause the price of the currency to move. Although there are not big moves every time, several big rises and falls do occur at this time, so you have to pay special attention.

6. There is a saying in the cryptocurrency circle that “Black Friday” means that the cryptocurrency price is likely to fall sharply on Friday. However, this is not absolute. Sometimes it will rise sharply or go sideways. So, just pay attention to the news and don’t take it too seriously.

7. If the trading volume of the coin you bought is not bad, you don't need to worry too much even if it falls. Hold it patiently, and you will get your money back one day. The shortest time may be three to five days, and the longest time is one month. If you have extra money, you can add to your position in batches to lower the average price, so that you can get your money back faster. If you don't have money to add to your position, just wait with peace of mind, good goods are worth waiting for. Of course, the premise is that you don't buy junk coins!

8. When doing spot trading, you still need to be patient. For the same coin, long-term holding and less trading often earns more than frequent trading. It depends on whether you can be patient!