A strange meme trend has emerged, characterized by the mixing of uppercase and lowercase letters, which makes many new friends in the industry feel confused, as if they are playing a guessing game. Remember the "neiro" before, the lowercase form flashed across the mobile phone screen, and many people wondered who it was. Although this deliberate confusion makes people feel a little tired, it has unexpectedly attracted many eyeballs, and its price has also risen. However, the momentum seemed to slow down yesterday. Perhaps big players such as dwf entered the market with huge funds, intending to adjust the market. After all, they came with a capital of 500 million US dollars.

On the other hand, the uppercase NEIRO seems a little lonely, and the limelight is almost taken away by the lowercase version. The price is as stable as an old dog, and there are obviously signs of careful manipulation behind it. Personally, I have a little experience in both, and I am looking forward to the rebound of this controlled coin. The project party is quite patient.

At present, the meme market is in a blowout state, with projects such as Mars City, Hippo, and NEIRO (uppercase and lowercase versions) bombarding one after another, leading the market trend. In my opinion, if you want to make money playing meme, the key is to seize two opportunities:

First, when the token is first listed on the chain, everyone is busy building consensus and information is spreading rapidly. Although the initial amount of funds is not large and liquidity is limited, the market sentiment is high, which is a good time to make money. Generally speaking, from obscurity to a market value of over 100 million, it is the peak moment of this wave of market conditions.

Second, the token is listed on mainstream exchanges, such as Binance, which is well known to us. This undoubtedly gives the token wings. After a period of washing and sorting, it often ushered in a second wave of surge, and the market value soared to billions or even higher. But to break through the 10 billion mark, it depends on the real circle-breaking effect and the massive funds brought by the bull market.

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